Bridgeport High School Volleyball ~ bump, set, spike! 


Head Coach: Beth Gomez
Assistant Coach: Tiffany Rice
Captain: Cady Messenger

Love for the game

Volleyball has been a part of Bridgeport High School since the beginning of it's existence. Without this athletic, this school would not be the same. Volleyball is nothing without a hard working, dedicated team such as the present one. This year BHS has a very young team consisting of a JV and Varsity. They may be young, but they grow stronger and more experienced each day. Even though the team has their good or bad practices and games, they're all playing for one thing, the love for the game.


Senior: Cady Messenger (varsity)

Junior: Alex Loverr (varsity), Kylie Pierce (varsity), Raina Young (varsity), Karley Swanson (JV)

Sophmore: Andrea Cooper (JV), Jessy Wilshire (JV), Emily Chalfant (JV), Victoria Drake (JV), Hannah Fetty (JV), Katie Lehosit (JV)

Freshman: Emily Griffith (varsity), Morgan Signorelli (varsity), Leigh Hornor (varsity), Sydney Leatherman (varsity), Lexie Czherba (varsity) 

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