Senior Cady Messenger has been on the BHS volleyball team for three years now. Along with playing in high school, Cady also played through her middle school years. "Volleyball has always been a favorite sport of mine", Messenger explains,"I love the intensity of the game and how each player has a specific job." Cady is the only senior this year, so she plays a big role towards the leadership of the team, especially the young Freshman. "This has probably been one of my favorite years on the team obviously because I'm a senior, but also because we have very little drama on the team and everyone gets along great. I know that alot of the girls on the team look up to me so I try my best to set good examples on and off the court", Cady says, "I have alot of faith in this team. We progress and grow stronger everyday, I hope we are able to make it to states. Roll Tribe!"

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